Title: Reference to a file that the creator doesn't want a normal user to look at.
Description of the Challenge: Can you find the robots?
Description of the Vulnerability: This website has some reference to a file that the creator doesn't want a normal user to look at.
Summary: In the picoCTF Where are the robots challenge, we were able to get the flag by accessing a file of the webpage that the creator doesn't want a normal user to look at.
The technical investigation finished at 8:40 UTC, concluding that there was no malicious intent or indicators of exploitation.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Click on the link to the website.
3. On opening the robots.txt file, you will find the reference to a link which the creator doesn't want you to look at.
4. On opening the link you will get the flag. (link)
Got the flag by accessing a file of the webpage that the creator doesn't want a normal user to look at.
Do not leave important data on the page source and other public files of the website.
POC (Proof of concept):
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