Vulnerability Assessment Penetration Test Report for Scavenger Hunt (Category Web Exploitation - picoCTF)


Vulnerability Assessment Penetration Test Report for Scavenger Hunt (Category Web Exploitation - picoCTF)

Vulnerability Assessment Penetration Test Report for Scavenger Hunt (Category Web Exploitation - picoCTF)

Title: Private Data on the page source and other public files of the webpage.

Description of the Vulnerability: This website has some private data on its Page source and other public files of the webpage.

Summary: In the picoCTF Scavenger Hunt challenge, we were able to get the flag by accessing the page source and other public files of the website.

The technical investigation finished at 8:40 UTC, concluding that there was no malicious intent or indicators of exploitation.

Steps to reproduce: 
1. Click on the link to the website.
2. View page source of the site.
3. You will get the first part of the flag.
4. Click on the link to the mycss file of the website.
5. Scroll down in the mycss file of the website, You will get the second part of the flag.
6. Click on the link to the myjs (MyJavascript) file of the website.
7. You will get a hint for the third part of the flag.
8. Upon decoding the hint, we need to open the robots.txt file of the website. (link)
9. On opening the robots.txt file, we get the third part of the flag and the hint for the 4th part of the flag.
10. Upon decoding the hint, we need to open the .htaccess file of the website. (link)
11. On opening the .htaccess file, we get the fourth part of the flag and the hint for the 5th part of the flag.
12. Upon decoding the hint, we need to open the .DS_Store file of the website. (link)
13. On opening the .DS_Store file, we get the fifth(final) part of the flag.
14. On combining all the parts we get the whole flag.


Got the flag by accessing the page source and other public files of the website.


Do not leave important data on the page source and other public files of the website.

POC (Proof of concept): 

FLAG: picoCTF{th4ts_4_l0t_0f_pl4c3s_2_lO0k_7a46d25d}

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