Glory of the Garden (Category Forensics - picoCTF)


Glory of the Garden (Category Forensics - picoCTF)

Glory of the Garden (Category Forensics - picoCTF)

Title: A secret message encrypted inside the image.

Description of the Vulnerability: The image contains a secret message encrypted inside it.

Summary: In the picoCTF Glory of the Garden challenge, we were able to get the flag by uploading the image on platform.

The technical investigation finished at 8:40 UTC, concluding that there was no malicious intent or indicators of exploitation.

Steps to reproduce: 
1. Click on the Garden button.
2. Open
3. Open the image in
4. Press ctrl + F for finding and search pico in it. 
5. You will get the flag.


Got the flag by uploading the image on

POC (Proof of concept): 

FLAG: picoCTF{more_than_m33ts_the_3y3eBdBd2cc}

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