How Do I Earn/Mine Bee for free?


How Do I Earn/Mine Bee for free?

How Do I Earn/Mine Bee for free?


Step 1: Download the official “Bee Network” App on the Play Store for Android or the iOS store for Apple

Step 2: Specify the registration method: Facebook or phone number

Step 3: Use the following invitation code: simrantaneja

Step 4: Verify your phone number so you don’t lose the Bee Coins you accumulate.

Step 5: Mine Bee all day by pressing the button once every 24 hrs. That’s it!

NOTE: Each user receives one “Bee” per account upon registration. To mine, you just have to open the app and click on the ‘mine’ button every 24-hours to prove that you are a credible contributor to the network. The app doesn’t need to run in the background, so you can close it and open it after 24-hours and click on the button to mine. There is currently no way to invest in shares but more options will hopefully become available as the app gains more popularity.

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